RECY TAYLOR- A Hero Forever

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Martin Luther King, Jr. said " Every step towards the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering and struggle. And Recy Taylor has sacrifice tremendously. When I learned of this brave woman's story a few weeks ago my heart not only grieved but I became angry for so many reasons.

A woman on her way from church. She had just lifted her hands in faith. Thanked God for the day. And I am sure during that time when the ferocious beast of racism raged through the streets of the south, Recy more than likely prayed about that too.

On September 3rd, 1944, Recy walked those streets with hope for a better tomorrow. A better day where she would be recognized for her humanity rather than be degraded for the color of her skin. However, six white men with no fear of God and the hate that engulfed their soul kidnapped, raped this woman and blindfolded her. There she was, left on the street, not just stripped of her dignity but denied justice. Sometimes hearing these awful truths can leave us discouraged. As a black woman of faith and who have been sexually assaulted, it makes me wonder where is the justice in all this. Where was God in all this? But I choose to see it differently.

I choose to stand in the sea of faith and choose not to sink in the raging ocean of doubt that these six men won. They definitely did not win. No one with hate and bigotry is triumphant. Only a heart of love will soar and conquer.

RECY TAYLOR was relentless. She not only survived, she conquered. She did not remain silent. She carried the torch of truth and today she is louder and clearer than ever. "O death where is your sting?". She is victorious. And now she speaks through the voice of many women like myself who will never forget her huge sacrifice.

We will continue to speak the truth that leaves us often times ostracized by family, friends and associates. We will march the streets until the earth groans and cough up the innocent blood shed. We will pray until our words break through the atmosphere of indifference.

We will not stop until the darkness of rape, molestation and any kind of abuse is crushed by the foot of God and the voices of women all over the world sings songs of deliverance. #Timesup.

Recy Taylor got the justice, not the one we wished happened in the courtroom, but the one that made her no longer a victim but a hero forever. She sacrificed her life, she suffered the persecution of her enemies and she struggled until she was 97 years old to stand on the truth.

On December 28, 2017, Recy Taylor died. The gates of Heaven are open and God has granted her not only a crown but left her a legacy on Earth, where women will fight for their place in society, stand against the ruthless cultural silence of rape and conquer the beast of sexism. May her soul rejoice . Well done good and faithful servant. You are a hero forever.